

It came to me the other day:
Were I to die, no one would say,
“Oh, what a shame! So young, so full
Of promise — depths unplumbable!”

Instead, a shrug and tearless eyes
Will greet my overdue demise;
The wide response will be, I know,
“I thought he died a while ago.”

For life’s a shabby subterfuge,
And death is real, and dark, and huge.
The shock of it will register
Nowhere but where it will occur.


Sunset with the pug

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Bacon quiche, salad with tomato and avocado slices and dressing, and a very foamy latte. Yum!

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Books I'm looking (aka drueling) at

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Dear Sir,

I'm borrowing the idea for this post from my BFF, but in our usual division of love and labor, she focused on the writing and I focused on the images. In this case, I'm just loving the slide show of portraits of Obama made by students of the 826 Valencia program. You can check out the letters that they wrote to Obama here too - complete with a list of food one students thinks he should be eating to "fatten up".