
thinking too hard

I'm thinking very hard, and there's a piece of me that knows all too well that I need to just let go and the ideas will come. I'm thinking too practically, too literally, too theoretically, when I need to just dream and see where my ideas take me.

I'm trying to get riled up and constructive. I'm trying to take the old and put a new twist on it. I'm trying to innovate, while keeping it simple.

I'm listening to old and new music mixed together, in an attempt to remember the oldies but goodies, while falling in love with the newbies.

I'm falling in love more than I ever thought I could, and trying to cut/paste that energy into everything else I do. (So far, I think it's working.)

This is not what I've been writing on all day. But this is what I've been reading, and I'm just in love with it.

(Image: Federico Veronesi. African elephants in Amboseli National Park, Kenya.)